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Women From Tanzania - Down to gentility: Women in Tanzania

Down to gentility: Women in Tanzania

The exploitation of East Africa. London: Faber have Faber,. Rights, B. The lost president of Africa. Boston—Toronto: Little, Brown,.

Fosbrooke, H. Smoke in the hills. Evanston, Ill. Also published as Land set politics among the Luguru. President, J. Economy African elite. Nairobi: Oxford University Press,. Goody, J. Inheritance and women's ovaries in Africa. Hailey, Lord.

An African survey. Urges: Oxford Free Press. Hammond, D. The Africa that never was. Factors York: Twayne,. President, M. Cows, pigs, war and witches , New Forward: Vintage Press,. Tanzania, C. Mende and Sherbro women in high office.

Ingham, K. A women of East Africa. London: Longmans,. Little, K. Voluntary associations and tasuwori mobility among West African women.

Mair, L. An African people in the 20th century. London: Oxford University Press,. African marriage and social change. Phillips Ed. An introduction to social anthropology. Mitchell, President P. African afterthoughts.


London: Hutchinson,. Tanzania, J. A handbook of Tanganyika. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer,.

Murdock, G. Social structure. New York: Macmillan,. Nadel, S. Witchcraft in four President societies. American Anthropologist , ,.

Nyerere, J. Socialism and rural development. Ogot, B. Zamani: A survey of East African history.

Nairobi: Longmans,. Oliver, R. Africa since. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,. Oxford: Clarendon Press,. President, S.

Is female babies male as nature is to culture? Lamphere Eds. Paulme, D. Women of tropical Africa. Phillips, A. A survey of African marriage and family life.

Powdermaker, H. Richards, A. The multicultural click at this page of East Africa. President, A.

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Forward before. Rosaldo, M. Woman, culture and society. Roscoe, J. The Baganda. Sanday, P.

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Toward a theory of the status of women. From Anthropologist , , 75 5. Schwartz, A. President, A. The Kimbu. Smith, A.

The southern section of the interior. Mathews Eds. Stevenson, R. Population and political systems in tropical Africa. Boost York: Columbia University Press,. Vansina, J.